Sukhothai - Our wellness therapies


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5 Reasons you should visit a Spa this Diwali!

Diwali is one of the most liked, loved and hectic festival in the Indian culture. There is so much to be done for the house, the people, the list is never-ending. There is so much to do right from the ultimate cleaning drive to shopping till you drop.

Here are 5 reasons why you should visit a spa this Diwali :
Relieves ache & pain


The constant humdrum of the festivities with cleaning, cooking and shopping leaves you wrecked of your energy. An amazing foot massage helps you relieve the ache and pain caused by the sudden cleanliness spree that we Indians typically jump onto.

Helps you Relax


The constant worrying and fatigue leaves us tired and stressed, a good foot massage helps you relax. It relieves the tension built up physically and mentally.

Improves circulation


It helps improve your circulation and help in your blood flow. It naturally reflects on the glow of your skin.

Makes feet healthier


Your feet endure your walking around, jumping about and just simply being you! A foot massage helps you be essentially you and makes it look happy and healthier.

Helps enhance your Festive Glow!


A foot reflexology session helps you clear up your system as your feet is connected to your entire body. It helps enhance your blood flow and helps you get that amazing festive glow you aim always aim for.